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Stacy McKitrick

Here's hoping she's all better by the time you have to leave. A lot can happen in 7 days. But I know I wouldn't want my children to miss out on something that special just for me. I think that would make me feel MORE miserable!


Good point, Stacy. It's just an infection, no pnuemonia...but damn. Infections are hard on the elderly!

I'll keep everyone posted.

Donna Cummings

I'm sorry to hear your mom is having a hard time. Things can change a lot in a week, so have faith, and let your mom be proud of you. :)


Yeah, I'll feel better when I talk to her. Right now, I've only heard from my brother. Mom is somewhere in the ER, waiting on test results and getting a room...


Mom update. Got her room, and is resigned to just staying and getting better... Just watching how it goes day by day.


So sorry to hear about your mom and I'll keep her in my thoughts sweetie.


She seems to be settled in and determined to just get better. And resigned to going home with my bro for a few more days after the hospital. So far, so good!

Thanks for the thoughts, Sabrina!

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