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Donna Cummings

Congrats on all the news! You've got all kinds of excitement coming up. Have fun with it, and enjoy it, and remember how hard you worked for all of it. :)


Ah, but Donna...if I relax too much the 'what if' gremlin pops up and will start tormenting me with how I could so easily screw it up at this point... the dangers of a wicked imagination! ;-)


Awesome news! I'm so proud of you and wish I could see you at RT. I'll be thinking of you and want to see photos.

Congrats on the two new releases! WAHOO!!!!!!


Well, I'll be looking for you in Chicago, Sabrina. Really, come and we'll share a room and keep the prices down for both of us!

I must remember to take photos! The Decadent ladies say they'll be wandering RT with camera in hand, especially at the two signing events. With my last name, I think I'll be in the first row... Wonder who I'll be next to? ;-)

Terri Osburn

I'm smack in the middle of the Kraken book and keep saying things like, "How did she manage to do that?" and "Oooh, that's a twist." LOL! I'm really enjoying it!


Hee, hee! Ah, all according to plan!

Terri, I'd say it's all about suspending disbelief, but I'm not sure there is anything I don't believe in when I write. Which sets me free to discard the idea of what can't be done and just do it!

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