Well, the book is out. The blogging has petered off, I'm in full speed preparation toward the Romantic Times Booksellers Convention and...I'm tackling my clutter situation with the help of a specialist.
First step? Accept you have a problem you can't handle on your own. Yup, I'm there. Been there for a whole lot of months...likely nearly a year.
Second step? Be ready to do what it takes, surrender to it. And call for help.
It was strange, having Casey come into the house. First time we'd had any company in the house in a long, long time. Sure, we had some new kitchen stuff done and we had new windows put in. That was years ago and the clutter was pretty much confined to two very bad rooms and some closets that were so full nothing else fit.
So, I figured Casey would check the whole house out. Make notes, maybe take pictures... Instead, she asked what room was first and we started with that one. She didn't even look at the rest of the house.
Husband's clutter room first. The front room, the room the front door opens to. Used to be a gargage at some point point before we bought the house. Which now has no garage and no shed... Which means the front room has all the tools from the garage and shed we once had. Plus the big desk and all the paperwork, the washer/dryer, my bike and a ton of assorted stuff.
Our first assignment, from Casey? An hour a day and big projects on weekends. It's only been four days but we've already made a lot of progress. Bags of stuff to Goodwill, bunch of stuff to trash, another load of electronics to be recyclyed. Since the majority of the room is huband's territory, I've been given permission to spend time at the other end of the house. My clutter room. Full of craft projects, books, sewing stuff, work out stuff, convention stuff, knick knacks, collectibles, costume this and that, music books, college papers... Sigh.
She says we'll have that room back by the end of March.
I'll be ready for it!
On the promotion tour this week? It's a light week. I'm at Castles&Guns on Tuesday. The Daily Dose of Decadence on Wednesday and Thursday. And I'm holding court at my local RWA meeting on Saturday here at home.
The Romance Writers Revenge is guesting Margaret Rowe on Friday, do stop by! She's always a charming visitor.