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Donna Cummings

That sounds like great progress! And maybe not as scary as you'd thought, so that's nice too. I think an hour a day is doable. We can scare ourselves when we think we have to do something for several hours in a row so then we don't do anything. LOL Very inspiring. :)


True, I had this vision of spending hours and hours and hours working on this. And that is what we'll need to do, just one hour at a time. We're getting rid of a lot of stuff, but I'm still a bit freaked about where we'll put the stuff we want to keep so we can get to it without returning to the spread and search method we've been using!

Terri Osburn

I could have sworn I left a comment yesterday. Alas, I must have gotten sidetracked. LOL!

I really need to organize my new house. It's not quite a crazy mess, but it's not "finished" and I can't find anything. There's a good chance furniture will be moved this weekend (if I can find the furniture coasters!) and shelves and artwork will finally make it on the walls.

Then it's organizing the office stuff. I hate not being able to find stuff.


It's been one of those weeks, Terri!

It was when I realized how many things I'd lost track of and couldn't put my hands on without a massive search that I knew I needed help.

Well, that was one of the things that told me I needed help!

I'm hoping it will be fun and exciting to find things I thought were gone. I already found a blouse in my closet I'd forgotten I bought! And it will be perfect for RT!

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